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Anatomy of the Female Pelvis - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #exh6014a — Source #1244

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Anatomy of the Female Pelvis - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This exhibit consist of two illustrations of the female anatomy beautifully done. The illustration to the left, shows the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and uterus in normal position. The illustration to the right, is a sagittal view of the female pelvis and shows the innervation to the pelvic area and its organs.

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Anatomy of the Female Pelvis - AC00033
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"We got a defense verdict yesterday! Your exhibit was extremely helpful in showing the jury how unlikely it is to damage all four of the nerve branches which control the sense of taste."

Karen M. Talbot
Silverman Bernheim & Vogel, P.C.
Philadeplphia, PA

"Medical Legal Art wins our firm's highest accolades for professionalism and exhibit quality. In fact, many of the doctors I work with request color copies of your outstanding artwork to show to patients during the informed consent process."

Jeanne Dolan, BSRN, AlNC
Legal Nurse Consultant
Golden Valley, MN

"A few words about The Doe Report: recently in a brachial plexus injury case, we used an image from The Doe Report to demonstrate the injury. We downloaded the PDF file image, and were amazed at the quality. The hard copies that you sent were even more clear. As well, we could not have been happier when you customized the image and reversed the injury from the left shoulder to the right shoulder, which is where our client's injury was.

The speed and cost-effectiveness of the product made it the perfect tool for our purposes. We will use The Doe Report again in future cases."

Andrew Needle
Needle Gallagher & Ellenberg, P.A.
Miami, FL

"Our firm was able to settle our case at an all day mediation yesterday and I am confident that the detail and overall appearance of the medical illustrations significantly contributed to the settlement. When we require medical illustrations in the future, I will be sure to contact [MLA]."

Noel Turner, III
Burts, Turner, Rhodes & Thompson
Spartanburg, SC

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